This present moment is perfect simply due to the fact.
View ServiceThis present moment is perfect simply due to the fact.
View ServiceThis present moment is perfect simply due to the fact.
View ServiceCUSTOMER
This is due to their excellent service, competitive pricing and customer support. It’s throughly refresing to get such a personal touch.
This is due to their excellent service, competitive pricing and customer support. It’s throughly refresing to get such a personal touch.
This is due to their excellent service, competitive pricing and customer support. It’s throughly refresing to get such a personal touch.
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Societatea INFRASTRUCTURĂ S5 S.A. și-a inceput activitatea în luna noiembrie anul 2019, prin Hotararea Consiliului Local Sector 5 nr 274/26.11.2019. Începând cu data de 31.01.2020, componența acționariatului este următoarea: SECTORUL 5 al Municipiului București, prin CONSILIUL LOCAL SECTOR 5, acționar majoritar detinand 99% din numarul de actiuni – și CENTRUL CULTURAL și de TINERET STEFAN IORDACHE acționar minoritar, detinand 1% din numarul de actiuni.
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